A tour to explore Yakushima’s tea plantations and the nature of Yakushima has been decided.
If you like tea but have never seen tea plants and factories, why not come to Yakushima in Japan on this occasion? Yakushima is also a world natural heritage and the stage of a movie created by Hayao Miyazaki.
Number:10adults(Minimum departure)
Tour price:78,000YEN(about 700$)
Reservation・Inquiry→fukumoto@sakuratour.co.jp(ONLY EMAIL)
お茶は好きだけど、実際の茶畑や工場をみたことがない方は、この機会に日本の屋久島にきませんか? 屋久島は世界自然遺産でもあり、宮崎駿が政策した映画の舞台です。